Sunday, July 26, 2009

Tip Jar

Donate to Small Steps

Why? If you find the material here valuable making a donation is one way to of demonstrating your appreciation. You tip a server if they provide a pleasant experience as this makes everyone feel a boost, and as it provides good feedback to the server - do more of that. People do what they perceive as adding value, and donations/tipping are one means of demonstrating that value has been provided. Luckily the web is not like a restaurant - there is no social, or other, pressure to donate if you do not have the money, inclination, or feel it is justified. Thus: donate, or not, as you judge fit.

It is interesting to note that the internet now allows distributed benefactors - for the first time in history anyone can steer the long term direction of society by making small contributions along with others which aggregate into a significant impact. If you do not feel like tipping me, please consider tipping someone else out there in the ether - the role of benefactors in improving society is large, and now this isn't limited to Bill Gates and other ultrarich folk. You too can be a benefactor.